If you aren’t seeing the changes you want from your workouts or struggling from a lack of knowledge, consistency or motivation, I would love to help you find a way of working out that feels good in your body and supports the results you are looking for! From individual, couples and group training to complete
Remote Wellness Coaching allows me to bring my integrative approach to the comfort of your space. I will not only show up for you with focused assistance and guidance to help you make positive changes, but I will also share practical tools for transformation and develop a customized program to support you every step of the way!
When you eat healthy and nourish your body with nutrient rich foods, you look and feel amazing! Need help figuring out how to make it happen? Body by Emilee Nutrition Coaching will make finding healthy solutions and balance in your daily nutrition, simple, easy and doable! From the Healthy Eating Transformation, Healthy Eating Lifestyle Assist and Healthy
Do you feel like no matter what you do, you can’t seem to get where you want to be with your fitness, nutrition, health and wellness? Body by Emilee Holistic Wellness Services will help you figure out not only what’s underneath your unhealthy habits, lack of motivation or inability to make positive changes, but also