Letting go of unhealthy behaviors can feel uncomfortable even when we know they are no longer serving us. But if we want to create habits and routines that support and build a healthier lifestyle, shifting the ones that are holding us back is essential. Through my Holistic Wellness Coaching program, I help women figure out and implement healthier daily practices. This work allowed me the experience of witnessing some truly amazing transformations. Alyssa definitely stands out as a beautiful example of how transformative embracing healthy habits and routines can be!
One of the things I love about Alyssa’s story is the gradualness of her progression. Dramatically overhauling all of your habits quickly can feel overwhelming and be hard to sustain. With Alyssa, I worked to help her implement small changes that felt do-able, but also had a positive impact on her energy, fitness level and body composition. Seeing results and feeling what a difference every new habit made, helped her stay encouraged and motivated along the way!
As small changes began to feel more natural and become routine, we could build on them to eventually get her where she is today! Not eating healthy eating isn’t even a thought (or temptation) for her anymore. She loves the nutrient rich meals that keep her energized and full all day! Hitting the gym 5 days a week is something she looks forward to! And she is so excited and proud at how much stronger and more fit she is! Most recently, we worked on expanding her daily meditation practice. Since then, she has embraced her practice with more intention and purpose. Her meditations are no longer just a check list item, but rather a tool that supports her aspirations and wellbeing! I absolutely love sharing Alyssa’s story with you! Keep reading to learn more about her journey in her own words.
“In September 2022, I celebrated my one-year anniversary of working with Emilee! I could not be more grateful for her and the positive impact she’s made on my physical, mental, and emotional health. If you had told me a year ago that I would no longer crave dessert after every meal, that I would enjoy going to the gym and fitness classes, and that I would love my body, I wouldn’t have believed you.
About 18 months ago, I found myself in a dark place physically and emotionally. I felt lost in my job, my health, and my relationships. At the beginning of COVID, I was grateful for the opportunity to take a break from my busy life. But over time, that slow down morphed into laziness, complacency, and a serious lack of self-love. I was eating take-out and dessert to my heart’s content, not exercising besides neighborhood walks, and had given up on meditation and journaling. As a result, I gained weight, my clothes didn’t fit, I had no energy or motivation for anything, and my self-esteem was in the toilet.
It all came to a head when I saw a picture of me that was taken at my sister’s engagement party. I was shocked. I didn’t recognize myself and remember thinking “is that really what I look like?” Not only was my face chubby and inflamed, but I looked uncomfortable and unhappy, both in my body and with the state of my life. The girl in the picture had lost her way.
I couldn’t think of a better time to ask for help. I had tried exercise regimens and elimination diets on my own, but fell off the wagon after a few months. A friend had raved about working with Emilee and her results were inspiring. I asked for Emilee’s contact info, thinking she could help me clean up my diet and lose weight; I had no idea how much more was in store for me!
Emilee is magical. Week after week, she made small tweaks to my daily eating, exercise, and mindfulness habits. Some changes were more challenging to implement than others, but they were always achievable. It all compounded over time, resulting in BIG changes. I reached my goal weight within 6 months of our initial session and continued to transform my body composition. Before I knew it, my lifestyle had completely shifted and my old ways of being didn’t feel good anymore.
What I love most about working with Emilee is that she meets you where you’re at with grace, compassion, and best of all, solutions. I have come to Emilee when I’m struggling with perfectionism, going off my eating plan, breaking my workout streak, or am stressed at work. She always shares her wisdom and makes another tweak to my plan, emphasizing that a healthy lifestyle is the foundation that will support me with whatever challenge I’m facing.
While weight loss was my main reason for working with Emilee, it turns out what I lost was nothing compared to what I’ve gained. My biggest accomplishment was becoming and loving the woman I am today. Showing up and honoring the commitments I made to myself enabled me to rebuild my confidence and self-esteem. More than losing the weight, I’m proud of myself for politely declining dessert because I no longer crave sugar; for going to the gym 5 days a week (and actually looking forward to exercising!); and for waking up earlier to incorporate meditation into my morning routine. Never in my life have I consistently maintained these healthy habits, but with Emilee’s coaching, it has become my lifestyle!
Several years ago in a yoga class, the instructor guided us to envision a future version of ourselves. I saw myself smiling, standing fit and toned in workout clothes, radiating confidence. I can now say that I AM HER, thanks to Emilee’s coaching! I never would have achieved this without her wellness knowledge, unending encouragement, and accountability support. Her positivity, enthusiasm, genuine care, and holistic approach makes her a remarkable coach.
If you’re considering booking a consultation with her, DO IT. She will be the catalyst to achieving your goals. Working with Emilee has truly changed my life and it continues to do so! I’m looking forward to what’s next in my health journey, with Emilee there cheering me on!”

Alyssa! What an amazing journey it has been! To see you embody your healthiest self is incredible! xo