In honor of Mother’s Day, I want to highlight a very special client and share her story. Reid is an amazing mom of two adorable daughters, Davis and Collins. Not only did we have so much fun photographing them in their gorgeous Denver apartment, I also got a chance to sit down with Reid and talk about how working with me has helped her get in shape as well as how she balances fitness, nutrition and motherhood with beauty and grace!
When I first met with Reid she was 6 months postpartum from the birth of her second daughter, Davis. She was still carrying around extra weight from the pregnancy and hadn’t been exercising at all. She was so excited and ready to get back into a consistent fitness program, increase her energy and embrace a healthier lifestyle!
Reid is not only an amazing mama, she is also a former professional volleyball player and once she gets into the gym, there is no doubting her athletic background and competitive spirit! Her focus and determination let you know, she will put forth her full effort to take on any challenge and will not back down to anything. She shows up to every workout with a beautiful smile, positive energy and immeasurable inner strength, absolutely ready to work her muscles, increase her endurance and get fit!
At Reid’s initial consultation, we chatted about her lifestyle, goals and where she needed my support. We decided to start with two personal training sessions a week as well as a few, small changes to her daily nutrition. Five months later, Reid had decreased her body fat by 7%, lost 18 pounds and was looking and feeling fit and healthy! Even more impressive was the way she had learned to make time for her workouts and healthy routines while still connecting with family and friends. She maintained the regular schedule with her daughters which included play dates, park visits, lessons, errands and play time. And still was able to take time to prepare and cook a healthy meal for the family each night. She kept her workouts to twice a week with me. Which even influenced her husband to start working out again. Being a mama of two definitely has its challenges, but as in Reid’s situation, implementing healthy routines helps not only decrease your stress and increase your energy; nurturing yourself mind, body and soul helps you reconnect to your strength and best self!

BbE: How did working with me make it easier to get back in shape after baby #2?
Being a full time mom of two daughters (under the age of two) I was struggling with just keeping up the daily routine and not finding much time for myself. I needed a workout plan that I was going to be able to stick with that wouldn’t take away from my family time. Emilee was very flexible with her availability and was the first trainer I’ve met who had no problem with me bringing my youngest to my workout sessions. This enabled me to commit to two sessions per week when my oldest was at play school. During my sessions it is very common for Emilee to be holding baby Davis while I finish a rep and I really appreciate all the different meal ideas she has. I love that she also encourages me to make little changes in my life that will help my overall health. For example, replacing the occasional soda with a healthier option, or working in some squats/abs/pushups while I’m playing with my kids. But for me, showing up and not having to think about what I’m going to do makes all the difference. Emilee comes with a plan and a smile, making my life a lot easier.
BbE: What are the biggest differences you noticed?
The changes in my body have been incredible. I have lost all of my baby weight plus a few pounds. What I like about working with Emilee is that she has tailored our workouts to effect the changes I want to see in different parts of my body. For example, she chiseled 7 inches off my waist, but added two inches to my butt :). Overall, I’m more toned and feel strong. The best moments are when I am getting ready to go out and I put on my jeans and everything fits right, my body feels tight and my clothes look good on me. Its a great sense of accomplishment and confidence.
BbE: What do you want other moms to know about postpartum fitness and nutrition coaching with me?
What I like about Emilee is that she has been in my shoes, she’s had a baby and understands the challenges. Although I’m very active with my little ones every day, I don’t have five days a week that I can dedicate to workout time. Emilee takes advantage of the time we do have, encourages me to make a few other changes in my life that are very doable and she gets results. On days when I’m sore, injured or have been up since 5:00am she changes her plans to make sure I still get a good workout in. I never feel like I am in over my head or pressured, just supported. Emilee has become a permanent part of my life, my only regret is not starting with her sooner!

“Shortly after having my second baby I was ready to get back in shape, but was lacking some motivation. A referral from a friend and a meeting with Emilee was all I needed. I committed to two days a week and Emilee committed to not only working with me, but also my 6 month old daughter (who hangs out with us while I do my workouts). Emilee has a phenomenal understanding of the body and how to get results. I started seeing changes in just a couple weeks and haven’t looked back. I love how I feel, but more importantly I love my workouts. Emilee and I work hard, laugh a ton and motivate each other. She’s what was missing for me to make a change and feel confident again about my body.”

Thank you Reid! You are such an amazing person, friend and mother and we absolutely can’t imagine life without you, Davis and Collins! You brighten our world and shine as a beautiful example of healthy, fit and balanced living! xo